We believe that wellness is a holistic pursuit best achieved Through collaboration.

On this page, you will find a list of resources, practitioners, and products that we love. This information is provided as a way to uplift our community and does not include affiliate links unless explicitly stated.

*If you provide a product or service and would like to be added to the list, please fill out the form below.

BIPOC herbalists and wellness practitioners

Jessica Wilson, MS. RD. she/her

Jess Turner www.olaminabotanicals.com

Andrea Jácome www.cocarosa.com

Geo Edwards www.nuhealingarts.com

Melonee www.ancestralherbiary.com

Elokin Orton - Cheung www.shootingstarbotanicals.org

Amanda David www.rootworkherbals.com

Angela Angel specializing in Filipino herbs and energy work

Dr. Carina Lopez www.vitalisthealingtraditions.com

Mandana Boushee www.mandanaboushee.com

Dr. Jus Crea Giammarino www.naturopathicmedicaldoc.com

Lara Pacheco www.seedandthistle.com

Maya Blow www.starrootmedicine.com

Ricky Bratz www.cazimihealing.com

Sara Abdullah www.earthseedholistic.com

Lizanne Deliz www.energeticherbalism.com

Books, Blogs, Herb farms, etc…

Ariella Daly, Natural Beekeeping

This Body Is Not An Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor

Me and White Supremacy by Layla F. Saad

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Dr. Jillian Stansbury, Naturopath and Herbalist

Wayside Botanicals, Naturalist School

Drea Moore, Sober Herbalist

Become a Partner

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