











. curiosity . honesty . gentleness . accommodation . acceptance . trust


Booking Provided by Healthie

Once you do away with the idea of people as fixed, static entities, then you see that people can change, and there is hope.
— bell hooks

Frequently asked questions

  • Yes! You can schedule a 15 minute Meet and Greet session above if you have questions or book a package if you’re ready to dive right in. I am looking forward to meeting you!

  • Yes! My practice leverages the virtual Healthie platform, Zoom, phones and email to support our work together. Please reach out to discuss alternatives if these don’t meet your specific needs.

  • Yes! Accessibility is very important to me. Please check out the free clinic page for more information.

  • There is not currently a nationally recognized licensing board or certification available for clinical herbalists in the USA. As a practice, herbalism is deeply rooted in folk knowledge passed down from elders in the field. I have had the opportunity to study with many herbal elders in the PNW through my training which can be reviewed here.

  • I practice western herbalism through a holistic framework. For me, that means moving away from the medical model of alleviating only symptoms and moving towards addressing the root causes of our dis-eases by supporting our body’s innate ability to heal itself when given the proper tools. Because of this, my herbal recommendations will not be as linear as “take this herb to address this concern”.

  • You will receive an email from Healthie asking you to create an account. Inside your client portal, you will be asked to fill out an extensive health history and goals form. Please fill out as much or as little as you feel comfortable sharing. This information allows me to prepare our our session so that we get the most from our time together.